by Fabrizio Scarpa
Congratulations to Mengzhou Yang and Wenfei Ji from the Bristol Composites Institute and the School of Chemistry of the University of Bristol for jointly winning the Best Student Presentation prize at the Multiscale Innovative Materials and Structures conference in Cetara. Mengzhou has presented the paper: “Numerical and experimental study of non-rigid foldable Origami bellows”, while Wenfei has described her work in: “Preparation of nanoclay/polymer coating for flexible polyurethane foam and the improvement of mechanical performance”.
Mengzhou is mainly supervised by Mark Schenk, Wenfei by Jeroen van Duijneveldt and Wuge Briscoe. Fabrizio Scarpa is co-supervisor of both students. The Bristol Composites Institute was well represented in the conference, with other presentations made by Xindi Yu, Keyao Song and Gianni C. on novel tensegrity structures, beetle elytra and Tesla valve acoustic metamaterials. The work of the students has been supported by China Scholarship Council, UKRI and European Research Council (ERC). Special thanks go to the University of Bristol Engineering and Faculty of Sciences of the University for the further support provided to the students. MIMS22 has been an excellent conference showcasing top speakers in the field of metamaterials and architected materials.