BCI’s Research Associate awarded Young Researcher Award at International Conference

Bristol Composites Institute’s (BCI) Research Associate, Yi Wang attended the 12th Asian-Australasian Conference on Composite Materials (ACCM12) in Hangzhou, China from the 25th to the 28th of April. Yi won the Young Researcher Award for his talk entitled “An automated workflow for composites part manufacturability prediction and tooling optimisation”. Yi was presented the award by BCI’s founder and former director Professor Michael Wisnom who also attended the conference.

Four people pictured with their awards

Yi has been a member of our process simulation team for a number of years working originally as a PhD student within the EPSRC SIMPROCS platform grant before becoming a Research Associate working on the same project. He now works on our latest EPSRC grant: Composites: Made Faster. Yi’s talk presented the outputs from our work on the research program DETI led by the National Composites Centre (NCC) and funded by the West of England Authority. This research developed, at an industrial scale, an automated workflow for the prediction of manufacturing-induced defects in autoclave-moulded thick composite parts. It builds on the robust consolidation model and homogenisation approach developed at  BCI in the last 10 years.

The work also laid the foundation to conduct data-driven optimisation of caul plate geometries for reduced geometrical deviation from part design. Wide adoption of these tools could allow saving industry a considerable amount of time and money by removing a large number of the many physical trials that are currently an integral part of any composite part manufacturing process development.

Yi’s supervisors Dr Jonathan Belnoue and Professor Stephen Hallett said: “Congratulations to Yi for this achievement. Yi is a very important member of the team who brings great enthusiasm to anything he puts his hand to. A very well-deserved award! This is also great recognition of the quality of BCI process simulation work that has advanced considerably over the last 10 years”.

Two BCI students win Best Presentation prize at International Conference MIMS22

by Fabrizio Scarpa

Congratulations to Mengzhou Yang and Wenfei Ji from the Bristol Composites Institute and the School of Chemistry of the University of Bristol for jointly winning the Best Student Presentation prize at the Multiscale Innovative Materials and Structures conference in Cetara. Mengzhou has presented the paper: “Numerical and experimental study of non-rigid foldable Origami bellows”, while Wenfei has described her work in: “Preparation of nanoclay/polymer coating for flexible polyurethane foam and the improvement of mechanical performance”.

Mengzhou is mainly supervised by Mark Schenk, Wenfei by Jeroen van Duijneveldt and Wuge Briscoe. Fabrizio Scarpa is co-supervisor of both students. The Bristol Composites Institute was well represented in the conference, with other presentations made by Xindi YuKeyao Song and Gianni C. on novel tensegrity structures, beetle elytra and Tesla valve acoustic metamaterials. The work of the students has been supported by China Scholarship Council, UKRI and European Research Council (ERC). Special thanks go to the University of Bristol Engineering and Faculty of Sciences of the University for the further support provided to the students. MIMS22 has been an excellent conference showcasing top speakers in the field of metamaterials and architected materials.

A collage of photos showing the Amalfi coast and BCI students winning their award at the MIMS22 event

Prestigious Award Won by BCI PhD Student

Rafael Ruiz Iglesias, a PhD student in Bristol Composites Institute supervised by Professors Janice Barton and Ole Thomsen, and Dr Geir Olafsson has received the British Society for Strain Measurement (BSSM), Young Stress Analyst prize. The competition, which is sponsored by Airbus, involves writing a 1000 word summary of the applicants project. The project summaries are ranked by a panel of experts in Experimental Mechanics and the top four applicants are invited to present their work at the BSSM Annual Conference which took place in Oxford at St Anne’s college. The competition is open internationally and the other three finalists came from Netherlands, Portugal and UK Industry.

Rafael speaking at conference

Rafa’s presentation entitled “Subsurface Damage Assessment in Composite Laminates Using a Novel Full Field Imaging Technique” which is part CerTest, a 5 year multidisciplinary project, is aligned to the EPSRC funded Programme Grant Certification for Design . Each finalist was allowed 15 minutes for their presentation followed by five minutes of intense questioning; there were over 100 delegates in the audience. Rafa’s presentation was extremely visual and engaging, which the judges appreciated and placed his work first.

The outcome of the competition was announced at the conference gala dinner, which provided a very nice end to the evening with Rafa receiving first prize.

Rafael holding certificate at ceremony meal

Congratulations to Rafa!