As part of our Alumni Series, we speak to Jamie Blanchfield, Test Engineer at Rolls-Royce about life after the BCI…
Why did you choose the Bristol Composites Institute for your studies?
It felt like a really exciting place to study composites, and it offered great support and learning opportunities for me as I hadn’t come straight from an undergraduate degree.
What research area did you specialise in whilst you were here?
My research focussed on fatigue damage evolution in aerospace composites.
After leaving the BCI where did you go?
I went to Element Materials Technology, involved in all sorts of composite materials testing.
What are you currently working on and what do your future plans look like?
I currently work at Rolls-Royce as a test engineer working on all manner of testing including, of course, composites!
How did the BCI prepare you for work outside of academia?
There were so many opportunities to work with, and discuss your work with, industry partners in BCI, and a lot of focus on how you present yourself as a professional engineer.