BCI Celebrates UTC 15 Year Anniversary

This year the Composites University Technology Centre (UTC), supported by Rolls-Royce, celebrated its 15 year anniversary. An event with talks and posters held on the 6th September was opened by the University of Bristol’s Pro-Vice Chancellor for Research and Enterprise, Prof. Phil Taylor, and followed by a dinner at The Orangery in Goldney Hall. The Composites UTC was set up in 2007 to support research into the use of composite materials for aero-engine applications and was led by Prof. Michael Wisnom for its first 10 years. In 2017, Prof. Stephen Hallett took on the Director role, leading the UTC into new technology areas such as Ceramic Matrix Composites and Hydrogen storage. Among the key achievements from the UTC have been the delivery of design and manufacturing technology for Rolls-Royce’s next generation of turbofan aeroengine, the UltraFan that will deliver a 25% reduction in fuel consumption compared to early 2000s technology. This was written up as an Impact Case Study for the REF 2021 evaluation of university research, helping the University of Bristol achieve its top 5 UK ranking.

Audience at of UTC conferencePeople in Bill Brown FoyerPeople standing outside restaurant

NextCOMP and IDC Teams Attend FUTURES 2022

This September our NextCOMP and Industrial Doctorate Centre (IDC) teams attended the FUTURES event, held on the SS Great Britain. Read on for an insight into what both teams got up to…

NextCOMP – Composite “Crushing it” at “Up late on the SS Great Britain”, FUTURES European Researchers Night.

The NextCOMP team and BCI collaborators enjoyed an extremely fun and busy evening on Friday 30 September at “Up late on the SS Great Britain”, one of the events held as part of FUTURES organised by the University of Bristol Public Engagement team.  Despite the weather, this was a very well-supported event at the Bristol harbourside and our stand “Crushing it: Be a Composites Engineer” was very popular with visitors of all ages, including Brunel and Prof Evelyn Welch, Vice Chancellor. Visitors were eager to watch our Dobot demonstrations as well as to have the chance to manufacture, test and inspect their own jelly and pasta composites using the brand new “NextCOMP Crusher”. We loved chatting to all the visitors about our research and hearing their thoughts about what we are doing!

Collage of photos from FUTURES event
Photos top left – bottom right:
Brunel tests his jelly composite ably assisted by Bohao and Eleni.
One of our younger visitors enjoys using the NextCOMP Crusher.
The NextCOMP Crusher in action.
Close up inspection of the composite.
Some of the team before the doors opened to the public.


Industrial Doctorate Centre at School Research Fair, FUTURES 2022.

On Friday Patrick, Huw, Humza, Will, Ben and Raul, EngD Students from the IDC, spent the day with Helen and Janice at the Schools Research Fair, part of FUTURES 2022.  Their challenge was to engage pupils aged 7 – 12 from local schools about the magical properties of composites materials. With the aid of Play-Doh and spaghetti, pupils learnt that by combining materials you can increase the strength to weight ratio, so enabling us to fly more sustainably.  Pupils also considered the challenges of recycling composites.  Have you ever tried to remove spaghetti from Play-Doh?  The pupils investigations with Play-Doh demonstrated that aligning your fibres neatly created the best results.  When asked what the pupils would like to make stronger and lighter, school bags, trainers and cars were top of the children’s wish list.

Teachers and pupils alike were amazed by the properties of composites materials and impressed by the team’s ability to explain a complex theory in such a simple manner so sparking the interest of many a budding engineer.

Collage of photos from Futures event

Photos left-right:
Demonstration of Play-Doh and spaghetti structure.
Group photos of IDC BCI teams.

FUTURES is a unique public engagement collaboration between the University of BathBath Spa UniversityUniversity of BristolUniversity of Exeter and University of Plymouth. Which aims to engage a wide range of people from the South West of England with research and innovation and showcase the region’s rich cultural heritage.

BCI Attends ECCM20

We are delighted to announce that a large team from the Bristol Composites Institute (BCI)  showcased their achievements and research at ECCM 20 (the 20th European Conference on Composite Materials) in Lausanne, Switzerland from 26th to 30th June 2022. ECCM is the main European forum for knowledge exchange on recent accomplishments and future trends, bringing together people from academia and industry with a mutual interest in composite materials.

UoB at EMCC20 event

This year’s conference was focused on sustainability which is a prominent aspect of composites for BCI with the title “Composites meet Sustainability”. An impressive line up of academics, researchers and PhD students highlighted our commitment toward sustainability across a range of activities spanning academic research, industrial collaborations and education programmes with more than forty presentations. Professor Ivana Partridge started the conference with her invited keynote lecture covering her eminent and ground breaking work with the title “Toughening approaches in composites – a perspective”. Several researchers showcased their accomplishments on the HiPerDiF (high performance discontinuous fibre) technology, invented at the University of Bristol, which produces highly aligned discontinuous fibre composites to address the issues of the composite industry – manufacturing and recycling.

Our Industrial Doctorate Centre (IDC) in Composites Manufacture marked the achievements within two special sessions and a dedicated poster session, organised by Professor Janice Barton that took place on 28th July. The special sessions featured twelve papers, presented by the IDC EngD students, on a wide range of processes covering braiding, tape and fibre placement, modular infusion, over-moulding, application of sustainable and novel materials; development of modelling procedures; and performance investigations. We are also proud to announce that one IDC student Dave Langston won the conference poster prize – sponsored by OREC.

BCI Group at EMCC20

Prestigious Award Won by BCI PhD Student

Rafael Ruiz Iglesias, a PhD student in Bristol Composites Institute supervised by Professors Janice Barton and Ole Thomsen, and Dr Geir Olafsson has received the British Society for Strain Measurement (BSSM), Young Stress Analyst prize. The competition, which is sponsored by Airbus, involves writing a 1000 word summary of the applicants project. The project summaries are ranked by a panel of experts in Experimental Mechanics and the top four applicants are invited to present their work at the BSSM Annual Conference which took place in Oxford at St Anne’s college. The competition is open internationally and the other three finalists came from Netherlands, Portugal and UK Industry.

Rafael speaking at conference

Rafa’s presentation entitled “Subsurface Damage Assessment in Composite Laminates Using a Novel Full Field Imaging Technique” which is part CerTest, a 5 year multidisciplinary project, is aligned to the EPSRC funded Programme Grant Certification for Design . Each finalist was allowed 15 minutes for their presentation followed by five minutes of intense questioning; there were over 100 delegates in the audience. Rafa’s presentation was extremely visual and engaging, which the judges appreciated and placed his work first.

The outcome of the competition was announced at the conference gala dinner, which provided a very nice end to the evening with Rafa receiving first prize.

Rafael holding certificate at ceremony meal

Congratulations to Rafa!



BCI Goes to Glastonbury

by Ben Woods. Headshot of Ben Woods

A group of 5 researchers and academics from the BCI and Bristol Department of Aerospace Engineering recently attended the 2022 Glastonbury Festival. Due to pandemic cancellations, this was the first Glastonbury in 3 years and was also the 50th Glastonbury ever, which lined up nicely with the 75th anniversary of the Department of Aerospace Engineering. But while there were quite a few reasons to celebrate – this festival trip was all about outreach. The group spent their days talking to the members of the public about the exciting Green Aviation research going on at Bristol. They set up a marquee in the brand new Science Futures area of the festival and filled it with hands-on technology demonstrators, laser-cut plywood posters, and smiling faces in brightly coloured t-shirts.

A group of people viewing the exhibits in the BCI stand at Glastonbury Festival 2022

The stall featured a series of posters and demos that reflected the diverse, multi-disciplinary work required to make sustainable air transport a reality. It started with a discussion of the multi-disciplinary nature of modern commercial aircraft design, which requires us to improve all aspects of aircraft design.

A table with examples of composite materials on

After this, the ability of composite materials to reduce fuel burn by reducing mass was shown, highlighting both the incredible progress made to date and a range of promising new concepts under development at BCI. Several new morphing wing technologies were then demonstrated, which take inspiration from the way birds continuously adapt and optimize their wings to reduce fuel burn. The next poster highlighted the importance of also reducing non-CO2 emissions, including contrails, NOx, and noise. The final table included a celebration of the 75th anniversary of the Bristol Department of Aerospace Engineering and a wishing tree where the public were invited to share their visions of a more sustainable future for aviation.

The response from the public was fantastic: the stall was busy throughout the duration and hundreds of engaging conversations were had around the challenging topic of how we can make aviation more sustainable. The wide range of people who attend Glastonbury kept things exciting – visitors spanned the gamut from people who hadn’t flown in over a decade because of the climate impact to people who make their living in the aviation industry – with the discussions and messages delivered being adapted accordingly.

The team, led by Dr. Benjamin Woods, camped out behind the stall and had plenty of time to explore the festival and watch acts in the evenings – including electronic music set from a giant fire-breathing, laser-eyed, spider stage, complete with a trapeze artist floating by beneath a giant helium balloon: which is slightly beyond our day-to-day experiences at the Bristol Composites Institute.

A crowd of people at Arcadia 2022